Freedom to improv….

Have you ever seen an amazing pianist perform flawlessly when they are given a piece of music, but if you take the music away they are really stuck? It is very common to get carried away with the technical side of things. Let’s face it, Bach and Mozart wanted you to play their music exactly as it was written.

There is no doubt that technique is a vital component to playing music, however does technique give you the elements to be creative on your own? Here at the Bee Music Studios we teach creativity and improvisation as well.

In the Music for Young Children program, children are learning to chord as young as 5 years of age. That’s right……..they are playing Hot Crossed Buns, or Jingle Bells, or Mary Had a Little Lamb with no music!! It’s really not that difficult.

The key is learning to listen and play patterns and chords in I, IV and V with no music. Here in the Music for Young Children program, that’s exactly what they are doing, along with reading music. Both aspects are key elements in the develop of a strong foundation of music understanding.

Your comments are appreciated……..Have a great holiday! Susie

I Just Want to Sing Better!

There are many reasons why the voice may not do what you want it to. Today lets talk about vocal strain! This is probably the most common reason singers have trouble. Quite often the strain is caused by the muscles in the throat tightening up when the singer goes for higher notes. How do you know if these muscles around the larynx are tightening inappropriately when you sing? Does your larynx rise up when you try to sing a high note?

Sometimes the only way to know is by having a professional watch and listen to you sing.  With the help of a  good vocal coach you can learn the best way to sing through your entire range and get the sound you want.  When your voice is exercised properly and regularly (yes, just like going to the gym), then singing becomes as free as talking………and that’s the way it should feel.